Laura G. Canapp

Laura and Nickers
As I look back on my life and this great opportunity to help animals, I realize that some of the best memories from my childhood included animals. Before I could walk, my dad had me on a horse with him. I'm pretty sure that I have been a horse freak ever since. And dogs- who can have fun as a kid without them? I am so grateful to my parents that animals (horses, dogs, cats, birds, a goat, a rooster and a turkey) were a part of my growing up. And I continue to be grateful that I am able to share my adult life with my own animals. Currently I have 3 QH geldings, 2 rescued Rottweiler and a Border Collie/Husky/Pug female mix. You can meet all of them through this web-page; they are my buddies with me in the photos.
But with all of this joy that I have been able to experience as a pet parent, there is also sorrow and heartache. The critters that I have lost, the issues, the stress when they are ill and an answer or solution isn't to be found. I understand how other pet owners feel: I've been there and I've done that, over and over.
But you might be asking yourself - "What does this have to do with Laura being certified in Acupressure and an Energy Coach?" Well, let me fill you in on a bit of history.
Several years ago, my palomino gelding Sundance started to limp. The trips to the vets began. First an exam and
x-ray. I was told it might be soft tissue damage and was given a prescription, no change. Then on to a different vet, digital x-ray and a diagnosis of low ring bone and another prescription. Again, no change and his limping was getting worse. Tried different horseshoers and shoes and then barefoot. No change, limping increased. I tried massage and chiropractic, no change, still limped. Someone mentioned a vet who did acupuncture, maybe I could try that? Seemed reasonable, what did I have to lose? I contacted the vet and was informed that I would have to bring my horse to the clinic and that sometimes it helped - most of the time it didn't. That seemed like an odd answer to me - who hadn't heard of acupuncture working? The Chinese have been practicing it for thousands of years - there must be something to it?? If not, why would it last this long??
So I started searching the Internet. I have dabbled in alternative medicine for myself and my family for years. I have found lots of simple things that work great - why not find some information on Acupressure for horses and do it myself?? I had no idea how my life was about to change!!
That's when I found a book written by a couple of gals that called themselves Tallgrass Animal Acupressure Institute. I first ordered their equine book - "Equine Acupressure - A Working Manual". Next I ordered - "The Well Connected Dog - A Guide to Canine Acupressure". Somewhere along the way I noticed that they had a practitioner certification course. I signed up for the on-line classes and then before I knew it, I had a trip planned to take my first hands-on class in Phoenix, Arizona. That was it!! I was hooked!! I had never experienced anything so amazing as watching how something so calming could elict such a change. From there my life has been a whirlwind. I ended up also traveling to Castle Rock, Colorado to complete my hands-on classes and to pass my certification tests. Next was to pass my National Board of Certification for Animal Acupressure and Massage - NBCAAM. But I wasn't done - far from done. I just knew that I had to help more than just horses so I headed back to Phoenix and then Castle Rock to complete my Small Animal Certification with Tallgrass Animal Acupressure. And of course, I couldn't stop there - I took the NBCAAM again for small animal. Currently I am the only dual certified practitioner with Tallgrass Animal Acupressure Institute and dual nationally certified practitioner with NBCAAM in the State of Wyoming. In addition to the Tallgrass certification classes, I have also participated in the Tui Na hands-on class that they offer in Colorado and the Essential Oil and Acupressure for Equines class. And on my own, I have completed Dr. Eleanor Kellon's NRC Equine Nutrition course and Dr. Madalyn Ward's Five Element Horse Harmony Personality class. I have also been able to participate in Buster Harlow's Equine Sports Therapy Massage School. Currently I am enrolled in the Penn Foster Veterinarian Technician classes and I just completed my certification with Investigating Health Energy and Investigating Brain.
Now you might be asking yourself, so after all of this "How is Sundance?" I have been using acupressure on him for the last several years and I am happy to report that he is drug free and that some days he has no limp. The cold still affects him and I can't change the fact that he has ring bone that has caused damage, but for a 26-year-old-guy, he is doing great and still is king of my herd. (I am sorry to add that on Dec. 19, 2018 I had to say my final goodbye to Sundance. He had been struggling for sometime with Cushing's Disease and on that Wednesday morning he let me know that he was tired and done. I made that ever so difficult decision to let go of my long time best friend and to thank him for all that he had given me to experience and learn. He will forever be missed and in our memories.) That's the interesting thing about acupressure, it may not guarantee a cure, but it can assist your animal to enjoy a higher quality of life within
its individual limitations.
It might sound cliche to say that I have always wanted to help animals and their owners--lots of people say that. But I am so grateful that I get to make this lifelong dream of mine come true. I want you to know that I am here and that I care. I am interested in your issues and your pets issues and I promise to listen to you. You won't be alone as you try to help both yourself and your animals. I may not always have a cure, but I will have options for you, different things that you can choose to participate in.
So now what? How about giving me a call and let's see what we can do together to help your animal and yourself using energetic solutions for mind, body and spirit.
Note: Because I am not a veterinarian or doctor, I do not diagnose medical issues, offer medical advice, prescribe drugs or perform surgery.
Animal acupressure is a
non-invasive modality intended to enhance well-being in a healthy animal. It is
NOT designed to replace proper veterinary care. If in doubt regarding the
physical health of your animal, please consult your veterinarian.